
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I'm glad

My last post was on March 9th and I have been away from the farm since then. We moved my son into his permanent Sydney home that day and it has been busy, busy there ever since. Cleaning, cooking (always a challenge in a strange kitchen) and spending too to set up house for him. I am hoping that he will be happy there and enjoy his university experience over the next five years. I was more than a little sad to say goodbye to him on Monday morning but the prospect of coming home gladdened my heart.
The first thing I did after making sure the livestock were all happy and accounted for was to go tot he vegetable garden. I'm glad I got home in time to enjoy these late sunflowers while they were still in the happy stage. Sunflowers always seem cheery and welcoming until they become heavy with seeds and droop their heads. The summer/ early autumn vegetable garden can become a bit wayward in no time so there is a lot of tidying and harvesting to do now we are home.

Being away from home always makes me ponder. Ultimately I always come up with the same answer, that this place is where I want to be. It doesn't take long for me to miss the work, the sounds, the peace and the complete darkness in the night. The city always seems to have a glow and I find it hard to sleep soundly. Having said all of that, I am willing to pick up and head off at a moments notice if Tom needs me there.
I'm glad to be back.


Anne said...

Welcome home Tracey, glad all was well on your return.

Joolz said...

Five years seems like such a long time but it will be over in a flash then there will be the decision - a job and where will he relocate to?

My girls are both in Adelaide, 400kms away now but they seem to gravitate home when they can and we get to go there every so often so it's not so bad.

It's nice to be able to visit and whip up a home cooked meal while there - so much appreciated!

I am like you - I love where I live too.

Cheers - Joolz

Lisa said...

I missed you - I hope he'll do well there.

Kim said...

I am like you , when away from the farm. There are times where I think 'wouldn't it be nice to live at the beach' ...but when I am at the beach, I miss all the animals and the space of the farm.