
Sunday, September 8, 2024

FNwF catch-up

My Friday Night with Friends extended over to Saturday morning as I fell asleep on the lounge on Friday evening. What I am making doesn't look too exciting and isn't. I have 12 sets of produce bags to make. I have promised 3 bags per set so luckily they are quite quick to whip up. I also have 12 other items of which I have made 8 and will get some more supplies when I go to town next.

And then I think my sewing machine will need a service. It is misbehaving a little. 

Thanks to Cheryll for hosting Friday Night with Friends.

Bye for now,



Friday, September 6, 2024

September Friday Night with Friends.

 And just like that it's September. 2024 is passing me by and I really want to just slow down and catch my breath for a little while. So here I am for Friday Night with Friends and ready to do some stitching this evening. Thank you Cheryll for hosting. I'll be doing some sewing for a Christmas swap I am in. I need to get a wriggle on and finish up my items.

Bye for now,

Tracy xo

Sunday, September 1, 2024


Hello there, it has been a little while.

Life has been busy with one thing and then another, and another... But with the change of season, I thought why not try posting on the blog.

I have been on holiday for 6 weeks in the UK.It was so nice to visit again. I met up with two penpals, one of whom I became pals with firstly via blogging. We did lots of sightseeing, walking (a lot of walking), eating, and generally just being tourists. Some pictures to come.

Back home, spring sprung early. I missed almost all of winter by being overseas. The fruit trees have blossoms, the frogs are calling, and the days are delightful (when they aren't windy), and the mornings are lovely and cool and just right for a peaceful walk.

Well that has to be it for now. I am cooking dinner and should keep my mind on the job.

Bye for now,

Tracy xo

Monday, February 26, 2024

Recent makes

If you follow me on Instagram then you will have seen some of these already. I'm doing The 100 day project . I decided on a whim that for my 100 days, I would make a card a day. I've made 9 and at this stage it is fun and doesn't feel like a chore. If it gets to that stage then I might just call it quits. Most days it has been a 5 to 10 minute follow along painting tutorial video. 

Other days I just get out my box of papery bits and pieces, stickers, washi tape, and glue and just make something. 

I am in a swap which is for a handmade mending patch. I made the patch below for my partner. It was more difficult than I thought it would be because I tend to overthink these things. The actual making is not hard, just trying not to worry too much about is it good enough and trying not too do too much, it's a mending patch afterall.

 Not a good picture of it but I have also made some bunting for the vegetable garden. It has no use other than it brings me some delight. It looks pretty waving about in the breeze. I have wanted some for ages so just got in and did it, all 6 metres of it. A great way to put some scraps to use.


Monday, February 19, 2024

Vietnam 2023

Early in November last year, we had a trip to Vietnam. We have only been on one package tour before and I didn't think I would do another but a decent price and a 2 for 1 offer from TripADeal had us booking it in. I was dubious before the trip but wanted to go. I'm glad I did. Vietnam is a beautiful country, the people we met were friendly, and the tour itself was quite good. There were only 11 people on our tour so it was a nice small group and everyone could get to know each other.

We saw plenty of churches and temples. 

I'm generally a tea drinker but I really liked the Vietnamese coffee with condensed milk. It's strong and sweet and a little goes a long way.

Of course I posted a few postcards. Shopping in Vietnam is interesting. In a lot of places, haggling is welcome and expected. I am not good at it. I'd rather know how much to pay and just pay it. It is an inexpensive country to be a tourist in. Food, drink ,and most things are much cheaper than here in Australia. Just have to get your head around the currency.

Hanoi was very busy and bustling. The traffic and scooters in particular are a sight. Crossing the road was daunting at first but you get the hang of it quickly enough and it becomes less frightening.

We had an overnight cruise on Halong Bay. WOW!. It is quite a spectacular place. Yes, there are a lot of cruise boats on the bay but it when you are on the boat, it is quiet and peaceful. Just cruising along looking at all of the amazing  limestone monoliths. 

We stayed in the mountain region of Pu Luong. It is away from the city and beautiful. Terraced rice fields, chickens, water buffalo, cattle, and dogs on the roads. Nice and rural.

The train street in Hanoi. I am glad we went there. After a morning on a walking tour of the city it was nice to enjoy an peach iced-tea and wait for the train (which does run dangerously close).

 Would I return to Vietnam? Definitely. 

I am now working out the details of a trip for later in the year.

Tracy xo

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Out of habit

 It is so easy to get out of the habit of doing something even if it is something you enjoy. I think that is what happened with this blog. One thing then another put me off and then the new habit of just not blogging became the norm. Recently I've been looking back at old posts to find pictures as it is easier than searching through the thousands that are on the computer. It made me realise that this really is a good platform to record bits and pieces for posterity and also to share if anyone is interested. 

So whilst this is a bit of a nothing post, I will be sharing a bit more even if it just so I can remember.

Tracy xo

Friday, January 5, 2024



The first Friday of the month means Friday Night with Friends which is hosted by Cheryll. I have an idea of what I want to get started on and maybe even finish tonight. We'll see.

In the mean time, I can share a couple of pictures of the items I made for the Advent craft swap I was in. It's a fun swap and if it runs again this year I will probably join again. 

My 24 items consisted of 6 'ouch-pouches'. Just tiny pouches to keep some basic first aid supplies in your bag.

My other make was 18 mini Christmas buntings. I really enjoyed making these and they were quite quick to whip up. A great way to use the stash too. 

Anyway, I hope I will be back sometime tomorrow to share what I made for Friday Night with Friends, 

Tracy xo