Monday, October 26, 2009

I will re-introduce myself

Welcome,my name is Tracy and I live in rural New South Wales, Australia. I am about 50km from the nearest large town and have a small farm where we breed suffolk sheep. We also have Indian runner ducks, turkeys, Pekin bantams, sebrights and some laying hens as well.

Lambing season has just finished for us but the antics of the young lambs just enjoying life are still fun to watch.

This year was the first since we have breeding sheep that we had a lamb taken by a fox. We house our young lambs overnight in a shed but on their first night out, one was taken. Needless to say, they were back in the shed for a while lonhger after that.

Hopefully readers of my blog that was deleted will find their way here and there will be some new friends made too.

I will show you some more residents of Sunny Corner Farm next time.



Gill said...

Hi Tracey, Nice to hear from you. I would have replied personally but blogger doesn't give me an address to reply to. I hope you are feeling better. Your lambs are beautiful, it must have been devastating to loose one to a fox, my gosh that sort of problem never even crosses our minds over here. My Dad shot a fox attacking chickens when we lived in the outback 30 something years ago. He still likes to recount the story as well as the one where he picked up an emu chick to bring home and show me but it crapped in his jumper so he changed his mind :) All the best from Gilly.

Vickie said...

oh goody so great to see you back in Bloggy land-hoping that break has done you well,...looking fwd to seeing more of on the farm and your crafty makings,them young lambs are beautiful,cheers Vickie

Rina ... also Chester or Daisysmum. said...

Hi Tracy,
Welcome back ... Please pm me at ALS I am very interested in a new seasons Ram, mine will be moving on to sow his wild oats somewhere else.