Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sowing Tomorrow

Today the weather was very condusive to light weeding and general pottering in the garden. It was overcast tending to light showers with a few downpours thrown in for good measure. Perfect.
28-spotted lady beetle

I did spend ten minutes dealing with the 28 spotted lady beetles that are enjoying our potatoes.

Part of our rustic veg patch
Tomorrow I plan to get an early start on some autumn/winter sowings. I subscribe to Gardenate which is a handy reminder of what to plant and when. It offers planting reminders for the UK, New Zealand and Australia which can be delivered into your inbox or you can just view it on the website.
My daughter's garden
Tomorrow I will be direct sowing some beetroot, broad beans, carrots, endive, parsnip, radish, swiss chard and kohl rabi. Into seed trays will go broccoli, kale and cauliflower.
Bye for now,


Tricia said...

I love the look of your 'rustic garden'. I'm currently tring to decide what edging to use on my raised gardens.....and we had decided on recycled tin....and i'm glad we did looking at yours..

Vickie said...

wow Tracy that looks great-aww them pretty ladybugs can make such a mess,cheers Vickie

Paola said...

Thanks for the link to Gardenate - it sounds just like something I could use.
Mmm..those 28 spotters are running amok on my eggplants too...