It seemed like a good idea last week when the reality of it wasn't so imminent. I was silly, I don't like playing board games (except maybe Trivial Pusuit) but I told the kids that we would play every game in the games box.

The box looks innocent enough. It sits in the lounge room and is used as a coffee table most of the time but inside lurk all of those dreaded games.

We have played Yahtzee (which I won) and Monopoly. I threw in the towel half way through Monopoly, I am just not the wheeling and dealing type. Besides that, I was sent to jail three times before I even went past GO once. I think we have Mouse Trap, Scrabble and Twister to choose from next.
It is cheap school holiday entertainment, the family is together and it is raining so we are inside anyway. I have to admit that despite my dislike for games, I had fun. Tonight though I am cross stitching, no more games for me today.
What can I say but "mercy for the mumma". The idea would drive me absolutely insane but then again I don't have kids that will drive me insane with the "i'm bored's either".
Best Wishes
Hi Tracy
I too have mixed feelings about board games! My partner and I just bought a lot of really cheap board games from the Lifeline bookfest for just a few dollars each. We get so arried away playing that time really gets away on us, and when I'm not winning I get really cranky!! Haha. But they are fabulous and much more productive than just sitting and watching the idiot box I think.
You should play Monopoly on the computer, it looks after all the rules for you, you don't have to clean up and you can save the game half way through and not worry about a pet walking across the board moving all the pieces!!!!
Well done to you, Tracy. A mighty effort :)
Well done, I'm not sure I would have lasted as long as you did!
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