Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Some days

Some days I don't feel much like having a never ending list of chores to do. I don't want to have to feed the chooks, check the sheep, drive to violin lessons, wash up, make beds, iron etc. I just want to have nothing to do. It never happens, there is always something that requires attention. I guess today is one of those days where I don't feel much like having responsibilities. I am doing my chores though and I will definitely feel better once they are finished. Actually, I feel better already.

Georgie looking a little tired
Georgina, one of our oldest ewes had a new lamb last night. I was really hoping for a little female but true to form, Georgie delivered a strong little ram lamb. Only one this year.

Hope has named him Gallifrey and by the look of him so far, he will be a nice looking suffolk so he will remain a ram and be sold for breeding.

I am going to log off the computer now, get my jobs done for the day and then maybe just maybe do a little bit of nothing.



Sharon said...

Hello Tracy,
Thank you for stopping in at my new blog and for your kind comments. I have been following your blog for quite some time now, although not as a "follower" just checking in, until now. I love looking at the pictures of your garden and seeing the photos of your gorgeous sheep. Your place looks idealic, hmm not sure i spelt that correctly, but i hope you know what i mean!

Take care

Janice said...

Gallifrey is a fine looking fellow. I'm sure he'll be a great breeder. With weather like this I can understand you not wanting to do your chores - especially the outdoor ones. Are you being washed away up your way? I bet your garden is loving it, particularly the rice.

Paola said...

Hi Tracy, I read this post with a little smile on my face. You are describing a scenario that is very familiar to me...you'd just have to substitute "violin lessons" with "swimming training" and you'd be describing my life, and my feelings about it all at times. I have a rare "day off" from paid work today, but all those other chores beckon. I just want to flop on the couch and read a book. Might get there this afternoon. Hope you managed to do a bit of nothing.

Rina ... also Chester or Daisysmum. said...

Hmm I like the look of him Tracy found an owner yet? I just moved Nelson on to another owner and although we got 2 rams this year, I still need to move them on or get more ewes We gotta talk.