Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Little Obsessive

Every year for Christmas my wonderful husband gives me a new notebook. He knows how I love to make lists and how I love to keep them all in one pretty little place. So every year after Christmas,usually at the beginning of the new year, I transpose information that needs transposing and leave out out-of-date jottings.

I always have a list of what we want to acheive around the house and on the farm throughout the year. I make a list of the craft projects I want to complete .This always gets added to during the year and hopefully there are more projects completed come the end of year than those left as works in progress or worse still not even started.

I keep a copy of our budget, a month-by-month birthday list, a list of swaps I'm involved in and also any little titbits of information I want to remember. My notebooks are the go-to book when you want to know how things work here.It's good to have most or all of the required information in one handy place and written down too so that it isn't all just in my head.

In addition to the notebook this Christmas, Tim also gave me some new felt tip pens which I am a little crazy about too. Now my book has a rainbow of writing and I love it.

A little obsessive yes, but it works for us.


Janice said...

What a practical idea. You are much more organised than me. It must be great looking back over time to see what you have done.

Tania said...

This is a great idea Tracy. I could do with some organisation like that. I am trying to get things more in order this year so will keep this in mind.

BubzRugz said...

I think I should do the same... when I worked I used lists for everything and was organised..... now I am a mess.....

Lisa said...

Yes, whatever works!