Monday, April 18, 2011

Harvest Monday- 18 April

This week my harvest total was 1088 grams/ 2.4 pounds. It was a mixed bag of vegetables hanging on from summer- tomatoes, cucumber, beans, capsicum, beetroot and some late corn. The corn was surprisingly sweet even if on the small side. I much prefer quality over quantity any day. There are still a few more cobs in the garden but they won't last long.

The lettuce and rocket are really growing well and I'm picking leaves as we need them. We have been enjoying salads with Amish Deer Tongue lettuce, brown mignonette and Lettuce Reines des'glaces. I can't really discern much of a taste difference between the varieties but they all look different and make the garden sound a little more exotic.

Another exotic that we tried for the first time tonight is the African Horned Cucumber. I picked it at an immature stage and it had a cucumber flavour but with less of a crisp texture. It was quite spiky and I really only grew it as a novelty. I don't think it will be on my planting list next spring.

I'm very happy that my broadbeans are up and growing well. I will put in some more seeds in a week or two. Broadbeans are something I had never tried until I had a large garden and now I love them.

Thanks to Daphne for hosting Harvest Monday.



Anonymous said...

That's an odd looking cucumber! Great harvest!

Lynda said...

Oooh LaLa! Corn on the cob! I am jealous!

Sherry said...

Mmmmmm~~~~ corn... sweet sweet corn. Can't wait till we get some in the summer!

Ottawa Gardener said...

I remember hearing from someone that the foliage of horned cuke could sting like nettles. True? False? Sounds like a nice harvest.

Daphne Gould said...

It looks delicious. Though the horned cuke doesn't look like something to eat. Very interesting though.