Sunday, April 24, 2011

I know blog posts without pictures are not as interesting as those with but I just couldn't find one I was happy with today. One that wrapped up what has been happening at home and out and about. I have had my niece visiting for a couple of days. I know she had a fun time even if it meant being out of mobile phone range for 48 hours. Unfortunately the rest of her family were busy and couldn't make it for a visit. Maybe next time.

The days have been warm and the nights milder this week so the summer bounty is still hanging on. I am at that point where I am half hoping that I can remove them soon because there is only just so much space ina garden and the old must make way for the new. I'm ready for peas and brassicas instead of tomatoes and cucumbers. I still can't bring myself to pull things out prematurely. Maybe I need a bigger garden.

Easter has been quiet. We went out yesterday to a local festival but with Tim at work over the whole Easter period, we stay close to home and enjoy the last few days of the school holidays. The kids are back at school on Wednesday and tomorrow they will be marching as part of the local ANZAC day ceremonies. Then home again for some baking and sewing.

I'm revamping the herb patch. It has been planted out in its current configuration for 8 years so it is due for a makeover. Half done, half to go. That might be done tomorrow too. I have loved these school holidays. We have had a few day trips but mostly been homebodies. Just what was needed and wanted.


Stacie, A Firefighter's Wife said...

Sounds like you are doing well! Have a happy Easter!

Lisa said...

Happy Easter! It sounds like a nice family time you've been having.

p.s. I made a lamb cake in a mold which was my mother's. And I used chocolate batter (not a mix), because I'm aiming to make this one a Suffolk lamb, like yours. I've got to frost it yet. If it looks halfway decent, I'll put up a post about it later!

Megan said...

Happy Easter! It is SO hard to pull out plants prematurely. I guess that's one of the only ways to get it all in there though! Enjoy your tomatoes while they last, you'll be missing them in a few months!