Yesterday I spent some time tidying the vegie garden. Spreading mulch, weeding, planting, dead-heading lavenders and a little mowing (by Tim). It was looking a bit neglected but now it is looking good, in my eyes at least. The best part, sheep and lambs on the other side of the fence.
My orange coloured buddleja is really splendid right now. I only planted it this year as a tiny mail order plant it is now just as tall as me (which isn't tall as far as people go but is tall enough for a shrub). This one is in the rose garden and is providing a touch of colour whilst the roses are having a rest.
Last year I grew rice in an old bath tub and it was fun, interesting and grew well. This year the bath tub is home to some fibre growing. I have cotton in the tub. We travelled through cotton growing country last year when we went to Lightning Ridge and it tweeked my interest in giving fibre a go. Of course we grow our own wool but I was keen to have a try at a plant based fibre that doesn't need too much treatment on a small scale. So far it is doing well and has been a simple plant to germinate and grow actually my only input has been to put the seed in the soil, water and watch.
The rice growing also prompted some variety in my grain t growing. This is some of my buckwheat. It is said to be a favourite with bees so that makes it very welcome here although apparently single flora buckwheat honey is very much an aquired taste. That won't be a problem for us. The buckwheat crop is small and the bees forage from such a wide variety of flowers that our honey is truly mixed flora. It is a pretty little plant though.
your vegie garden loks very inviting indeed..well done..will be interesting to see your cotton evolve,cheers Vickie
LOOKS GREAT! Such a huge veggie garden too! Let us know how the cotton goes.
Your garden looks magnificents. Thanks so much for your posts this year , Tracey. Merry Christmas
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