Monday, December 26, 2011

Chookyblue's SSCS

I really did resist the temptation to open my parcel from Rose Marie which I'm still surprised at. It probably helped that none of our presents were under the tree before Christmas due to Puss doing some damage in Christmases past. Chookyblue's idea of having the ornament to open earlier is a help too.

The gift I received is simply lovely. Rose Marie said she could tell from my blog that I loved flowers and she did a wonderful job capturing a sweet bouquet in her stitchery. I now have the tough decision of where to hang the wallhanging. At the moment I am favouring the lounge room because it will be most visible there.

My partner was Trash. I made a table runner with a Christmas theme. This was such a great swap to be a part of and Chookyblue has links and pictures galore on her blog to all of the swappers with plenty of inspiration and ideas for next Christmas. Thanks Chooky.

On the farm we had a new lamb born at 4am Christmas morning and it was Christmas day that the male turkey decided to hop off his eggs and bring out the five chicks he has hatched. I am really impressed with him having the patience to sit for the month when it isn't really his job. So far we haven't ventured too close to them because male turkeys are truly not the most friendly of characters especially when they are playing mum.

1 comment:

Chookyblue...... said...

beautiful gifts sent and received....RoseMarie did a beautiful wall hanging.........thanks for being part of the SSCS this year......

special births for christmas........I wouldn't be going near the turkey either.........