Saturday, December 31, 2011

So long 2011

After putting a new property sign on my to do list for 2011 I finally hung one yesterday with only two days of 2011 left. The old sign was really just an old pice of shelving painted with house paint and was never meant to be permanent but it hung around for years. Not a good picture of the new sign but I wanted to post it anyway.

It seems that the cute and cuddly always get the better deal as far as pictures go so today I have a couple of pictures of big grown up sheep instead of lambs. On our farm the adult sheep are just as friendly as the lambs and really don't mind having their pictures taken at all.


This is Bessy. She was the second lamb born on our farm and before we decided to specialise in the Suffolk breed. She always produces the tiniest little lambs and she is really ladylike and a wonderful mother. Her own mother, Essy, is still with us and is a very youthful nine year old and I think she is a little upset that she wasn't allowed to have lambs this year.

Julia's Rose

Just in time for the new year, the rose garden is amass of blooms (weeds too with all the rain). This is Julia's Rose which is one of my favourites. I really admire its understated beauty.

Dahlias are aplenty too. My only complaint about dahlias is their lack of scent. Though perhaps if they were scented it might be just too much all in one flower.

In a change from the dahlias and roses (and gladioli too) I decided to arrange a vase of agapanthus when my sister visited for afternoon tea on Wednesday. They were completely stunning and I can't begin to think why I have never used them inside before.


Finally, I hope for a happy 2012 for all. I intend to make the most of the wonder in my life and strive to make a difference (even if it is but a little one). Goodbye to 2011 and welcome 2012.



Bec said...

Happy New Year!

Scarecrow said...

All the best for 2012 to you and your family!

littlekarstar said...

Happy new year Tracy!!

Joolz said...

Wishing you a happy, healthy and safe New Year. I've enjoyed visiting you on your farm with those cute black faced sheeps!

Cheers - Joolz

Lisa said...

To make the most of the wonder in your life - that's what I would like to do, too! But to keep it in mind is the thing..... Good luck to you!

I think you're right about the dahlias - they're pretty fab without any scent.

Ruth @ Camellia Rose said...

Lovely roses - that Julia's Rose is pretty stunning! The agapanthus in the vase is gorgeous too. Happy new year!

Damo said...

Happy New Year and hope you have a great 2012!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely post to read, Tracy.
Your sheep seem to have sweet personalities, and are so photogenic!
I love the flowers, especially the exquisite Julia's Rose which is one of my all time favourites, alas it has always struggled in every garden I've grown it in, producing only about 2 or 3 decent blooms each year. What's your recipe for its good health?
Happy New Year to you; I enjoy my 'visits' to Sunny Corner Farm.