It's truly not as bad as it sounds. The Humanure Handbook by Joseph Jenkins. Milkwood Permaculture seem to be putting the idea into good practice. The idea is that by the time the humanure has composted down, it is just the same as any other well rotted manure. I think it would be a while before the idea goes too far in mainstream circles. But I can definitely see that there are some great arguments for tapping this unlimited resource. This is a library book and it has given me some food for thought although I don't think I will be setting up a humanure system anytime soon.
Now on to sweeter things. The idea of paying it forward really is sweet. The recipient is happy(hopefully) and the giver gets such a buzz. I have been involved in a crafty pay it forward on the blog and I am also doing one with some of my Facebook friends but they all know about it. To me the best kind is when it is totally anonymous even if it is something everso small and only you know about it. I guess a random act of kindness really.
Sorry for such a totally random ramble. I think it must be zucchini overdose.
Anyway I'm sure I'm not as kind as I could be but I try.
I love the Pay It Forward concept, and I try to practice it everyday, but honestly...I do not always get it done. Our local grocery store has a cart return that requires you to insert a quarter in order to get a cart, they you get the quarter back when the cart is returned. I like to leave the quarter in the slot for the next person, makes me feel good every single time I do it. WIN WIN.
I once decided to do a whole month of acts of kindness - I need to do that again. thanks for the reminder. I was hoping it would become a habit, because when it is on your mind you truly become a better person looking for ways to help others.
The Humanure idea makes sense.
Zucchini overdose! That made me smile :) I think I have a touch of the same problem!
Zucchini overdose! Haha i like that.
I am going to have to try lots of your zucchini recipes! How far away from you is the library?
The Humanure Handbook sounds interesting! I'm sure it would take a while to catch on in mainstream circles haha.
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