I really want to be showing off my newest (ad)venture because I am excited about it but photographic opportunties have been elusive. A few poor photos aren't worthy so I will wait until (hopefully) tomorrow.
In the mean time, flowers are blooming and the gladioli have been glorious. My green gladiolus hasn't come to the party yet but I'm sure it will soon.
These ones are all in the vegetable garden for a bit of colour. They are real troopers and take the heat and dry very well. They also multiply readily which is always welcome... free plants.
And this is a pretty which is in the front garden. It's quite delicate and could easily be lost amongst other plantings but I think up close like this it really looks great. It's only drawback, no perfume that I can tell anyway.
Another perfumeless flower, the zinnia. This one is from my Diggers originally. I fell in love with idea of green and white zinnias because they were different to the more common colours and Diggers used to sell them. I haven't seen them in their catalogues recently so I'm glad I saved seeds from the originals. They are another toughy that doesn't disappoint and seed collection is a cinch.
In very happy news, my Tim is feeling much better. He is almost at full strength with possible side-effects of arachniphobia.
thanks for stopping by,
love those gladys,your flowers are lovely and glad tim is much better,xx
I adore Zinnias and have some in my vegetable garden every year as volunteers as I let the plants go to seed and then grab the flower heads and spread the seeds throughout the garden beds - we never know when a happy little Zinnia face will pop up. I just have to be around to identify the seedlings so Scott and Greg don't pull them up. And Glads are one of my all time favorites!
I'm glad your husband is better! So, you have possums over there?
Hi Tracy,
Just beautiful! Greetings from Montreal, Canada.
Love the Gladys.....glad to hear that your hubby is on the mend.....
Oh you do like to lead us on don't you? Glads just turn to mush in our humid climate, so thanks for sharing yours. That white zinnia is lovely - I adore zinnia - they seem to pop up everywhere self seeded, but I have never seen the white one.
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