Thursday, July 25, 2013


I haven't sown any spring/ summer seeds yet because it is just too cold for it to be worth the effort but it's going to be soon. Scarecrow has been and it does make your fingers itch a little. What I did plant today though was rhubarb. I have never had an ounce of luck growing it. When Tim and I moved into our first home, there was a huge rhubarb plant in situ which we proceeded to remove (what were we thinking?). Actually I had visions of my yet to be born children poisoning themselves which in hindsight could never have happened as they are the type of children that took some coercing into eating anything green. Also it wasn't something that either of us had eaten much of so out it went. Perhaps that's why I have trouble getting it to flourish now in this garden, some kind of rhubarb karma. No, I just haven't found the right spot but I'm sure the well drained, sunny spot amongst the herbs will be just right. I hope so anyway.

If I was a rhubarb plant I think I would like to have this lavender for a neighbour. It was a cheapy plant from Bunnings or Big W and is called Lavender 'Spanish Eyes'. It is a Lavendula multifida and doesn't have the typical lavender aroma but is still pretty with its fern-like foliage.

I also planted some accidental 'cuttings' from my peppermint geranium. I pulled out a piece while I was weeding so I popped three cuttings into some potting mix and now have my fingers crossed that they strike.

The daffodils are one by one blooming. My dream of a small meadow of daffodils is still a long way off but it is closer this year than last.  I have our hammock in amongst them at the moment to make the most of them because the 'moment' doesn't last long.

I don't know if I have ever posted a picture of our dog, Arrow, here before but I thought I would share this one. I  warmed up enough outside gardening to remove a layer or two and in true canine form, Arrow found my cardigan. And as I said on the   Facebook page , it's a tough life being a farm dog here. Well she is doing what she does best I guess.

Hope you are having a nice day. It's lovely here today.


Tania said...

Well I can brag that I can grow rhubarb, my plant is huge...but...I cant grow lavender, I manage to kill it every time, probably because I forget to water. Love your daffodils, not sure how they would perform here, probably too dry although it has been unusually wet this year.

Arrow looks like our Millie, except Millie is more black. She finds a lovely spot in the sun to bake in the's a dogs life!


Vickie said...

I love rhubarb..DH however dislikes it his parents grew it by the bundles so he kind of had it a bit too regularly..I love seeing photos of your garden..and wow I never knew you had a dog..she was just looking after your cardi for you,cheers Vickie

Kim said...

Garden looks lovely.I have always been tempted to secretly plant a heap of daffodils along the creek in one spot,but worried the cows would eat them.
Arrow looks like an old dog with those grey whiskers...I bet she is well loved!Our old dog would always find my jumpers if I wasn't home and put them in his basket -the scent must have kept him content till we got back.