Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Distracted... it's so easy

My top priority in the garden today is to get bed 4 of the herb garden weeded and ready to replant. It is an unsightly mess of weeds with a few herbs hanging in there that you can barely make out. I have been a slacker regarding this bed. But according to my calendar , it is the week that this bed must be put to rights. Not only that, I think it is a good idea to come clean here and not just show the pretty parts of the garden. It's how it really is. But today I am not going to be distracted too easily, I hope.

 Before this quick tea break, I made some progress and the lure of the wee new chamomile, lavender and tansy plants I have to pop in to all of those new spaces opening up will have me back out there after lunch (and some necessary housework of course) to finish the job.

Not before I got distracted by the Chinese Witch Hazel on the way inside. It is a flurry of pink and very pretty even to someone like me who isn't fond of pink.

 The euryops is also looking rather good but it isn't going to stay for much longer. Once it finishes flowering, it's coming out. It has grown too spindly and tall for the position it is in (my fault for not being harder with the pruning). The bees and hoverflies enjoy it so I will most likely replace it with one of its offspring. Watching bees is a distraction. So is wandering after the butterfly that decided to land on the calendula. I'm ok with that though.

The other good thing to come from actually weeding that overgrown herb bed is some surprise free plants amongst the unwanted ones. I discovered a few small salad burnet plants which had self-sown. They are all now resettled in other parts of the herb garden and watered in. Replanting and watering free plants definitely does not count as a distraction.

I'm heading back out into the gusty and rather cold  August wind.


Anonymous said...

have fun out in your lovely garden Tracy.xx

Sunnybrook Farm said...

Looks like you are getting close to spring there. It is surprising how some plants overwinter, we had kale that made it through the below freezing temperatures.

Sue Frelick said...

As I've been reading your blog I got the feeling you were living in the southern hemisphere, and it turns out my instincts were correct. :-) I'm adding you to my bloglovin' list of reading. It's so nice to make a new blogging friend.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Good luck with the weeding! I can never stay on top of that in my garden. If only the veggies and herbs grew as fast as the weeds! :)

africanaussie said...

Oh that witch hazel is so lovely. do you use it for anything? I am impressed that you keep a calendar to remind you to weed the herb garden! I just wait until I hear the plants crying out that they are being strangled!