
Sunday, January 20, 2019


I have been off on a too short weekend trip to Sydney. That was last weekend and I am just catching up here now. Holiday mode and a heat wave are my reasons for not checking in sooner. Tim went back to work today after a month of leave and Hope will be back at school at the end of the month. Then it is back to routine. School has been a backbone of my routine since 1999 so it will be strange next year not to have that as Hope finishes school in October and she is my baby.

Darling Harbour

Anyway, onto the holiday. We had some great family time. Visiting with our son and his love. Got to see their new flat all decked out how they want it. Last time we saw it, it was a work site. Looks good now.

Had a wonderful evening with my sister, brother in law and my two nephews. They visited us last month so our turn this time. Darling Harbour was the backdrop and it didn't disappoint. I would rather it was less crowded but with the draw of fireworks, everyone wants to be there.


It had been too long since I had been to the beach so I booked an overnight stopover at Forster for the trip home. I'm glad I did. The water was wonderful. With the heatwave we've been having this week, I would love to be back there in the surf.

Before the heat

The hot weather has been draining. Up extra early to get out before the sun is over the hill and before too many flies are about to bother me. Then out of the sun and heat as much as possible until evening. It feels a little nicer out today and there is a cool breeze blowing for now.

I have been crocheting which does sound like a crazy thing to do in the heat but I don't want to get behind with the crochet along. I'm enjoying it immensely and today I will weave in some ends which although I won't enjoy that task at all, I will be glad when I get to the end and don't have loose ends to tuck in. Plenty of letter writing happening too. I took a break from that the first two weeks of the year so I have a few replies to write. Keeps me out of mischief.

Tracy xo


Pink Rose said...

Hi Tracy sounds like you had a wonderful time and so nice to catch up with the family ,i didnt realize you had a son,,i was thinking you had just the 2 girls now i am not sure whether i am getting muddled up,lol,the memory isnt as good as it once was,lol. Love your crocheting especially the colours,hope you have a wonderful Sunday my friend xx

kiwikid said...

Your weekend away sounds great Tracy, always good for you to get to the beach. The CAL is going well , love the colours in this one.

Maria said...

Pleased you had a lovely holiday and things will be back to normal soon,
Hmm is hot for crocheting and how nice you still write real letters...

River said...

Heat waves here too and aren't they tiring? I feel so washed out I can barely think. We had one supposedly cooler day, but there was 90% cloud cover so much humidity instead of the cool I'd been wanting. Your crochet pattern is pretty.

Tania said...

Sounds like a lovely visit to Sydney Tracy. It doesn't take long for kids to grow up and leave school and then home. It felt strange for me after 33 years to finally stop school drop off and pickup. I had a few years break, but now I am doing it for my grandson, once or twice a week.

The heat has been relentless this year.

We are in for another heatwave this week after having one last week! Two days relief is all we get and that is in the mid 30's followed my mid 40's most of the week!

I wanted to join in the crochet along, but I am way behind already. I may catch up at a later date. Have been busy organising my "stuff" in the craft room instead, so I can get started with some creating. Not much else to do in this weather :)


Janice said...

A weekend away is always nice, but I must say that after a visit to Sydney I look forward to heading back over those hills to home. The brief visit to the coast would have been lovely. Hasn’t the heat been dreadful. We have fluked a couple of more isolated storms, one yesterday and one is happening now. Not as destructive as last week thank goodness. We’ve been invited to join in on a motorcycle ride on Australia Day, but with the weather forecast to be 38 degrees we have decided that it would be no fun at all, so will pull out. Try to stay cool and enjoy your crochet. It is such a pretty design.

Lisa said...

It all looks very pretty and refreshing! I wish you well in the heat. We are finally having snow (and ice) today. Finally. :)

Fiona said...

Hi Tracy, I have just seen that you are back blogging so have added you to my feed so I can read your happenings. Looks like a lovely trip... I have yet to visit Sydney. Lovely blanket - I did Attic 24 ripple blanket and I have another kit here - I must say I was tempted to get that one too as I love the colours. They are good value.

mamasmercantile said...

Sounds like a wonderful break away and always a joy to catch up with family. The beach looks amazing, with the sea particularly enticing.