Sunday, June 23, 2019

Catching Up

It seems that every time I think I am caught up on things, something else crops up. All kinds of little dramas that make up the minutiae of life. Nothing drastic but enough. It is my excuse reason for being behind in almost everything. But anyway, enough with the excuses. What is happening at the moment?

Frosts. Everyday this week has been frosty. It is winter so no surprise but we don't always get the frost so it's a nice surprise each morning to see the blanket of white. The garden is holding up against the freeze and I can finally cut back all of the dahlias and asparagus which had been hanging onto their leaves while the weather was mild.

Reading. I do spend a bit of time reading each day. Of late I have been reading some great memoir style books. Not so much fiction. My latest finish was Skymeadow by Charlie Hart which was enjoyable. I am on Goodreads if anyone is interested in adding me as a friend there.

Farm. The animals are all in good health. Thank goodness. I would dearly love for there to be more feed in the paddocks for them but relatively speaking, they have plenty. So no complaints from me. There is water in the creeks and in the tanks.

Garden. It is slow at the moment but still something to pick each day. Lettuce, radish, Asian greens, kale, herbs. The aliums are in and growing well. peas too (though the birds have been eating some of these). There was a baby rabbit living in the vegetable garden (I almost jumped out of my skin when he ran out of hiding) but he has left for places unknown.

Bees. The bees are busy even in the winter. The rosemary is abuzz with them and there are some eucalypts in flower so enough to keep them out collecting nectar and pollen. The last two summers have been hard on the bees with the drought wreaking havoc on the trees and flowers.

Life in general. Like I said, playing catch-up. Always chasing my tail. I have a small stack of letters to reply to. Some sewing to finish up. Exercise that I should be doing but have been neglecting. This week though is our wedding anniversary so I am going to enjoy that time.

That is probably more than anyone wants to read in one sitting so I will close for today.

Bye for now,


kiwikid said...

You sure had a frost! Good to read everything is going well. I had forgotten about goodreads, you have reminded me!! Soinds like you have lots in the vege garden..good to hear the bees are happy 🐝🐝🐝

retdairyqueen said...

Loved reading your post about your life in general
Happy wedding anniversary

Maria said...

Hi Tracy, nice to see you pop up on my reading list....You have been keeping busy and good to see you are busy with life...
Take care.

doodles n daydreams said...

Well first of all Happy Anniversary :)
Your life has been busy and interesting - we too have had a week of frosts, or would be frosts. This winter has been very mild so far so it is a change to see the frost on the ground.
Enjoy your weekend and forget the busyness for a while.

Snoskred said...

It rains here so the poor chooks are stuck in the chook pen today. They do not like rain. But realistically they've had very few days of it so I think they should just suck it up. I'll take them out some corn kernels later in the hope of keeping them extra warm tonight, it has been very cold here this week.

The kitties are either in front of the gas heater or fighting over who gets to sleep on the warmest rug.

And me, I am about to get on the treadmill in the hope of warming up my own blood so I don't have to spend all day wearing a beanie and a scarf inside the house with the gas heater on. :)

Good to see you blogging today! ;)

River said...

We've been having early morning frosty air here in Adelaide, but we don't often get frost on the ground. It's pretty to look at, but I'm happy to live without it.

mamasmercantile said...

Happy anniversary. We did have a rabbit living in the salad crop, I have now put a net over to stop it creeping in.

Lisa said...

Happy Anniversary, Tracy! That frost looks nice and cool. :)