Sunday, July 7, 2019


On Friday night I joined in with some other like-minded folk and enjoyed some sewing time. Thanks to Cheryll for hosting our virtual get together. 

I had a few mending jobs to get done before any sewing proper. A T-shirt that needed a few stitches in the side seam and a button to sew on Hope's school uniform (yes, she could do it herself but didn't). Then it was full steam ahead.

I made a few more produce bags. They are just small drawstring bags for buying fruit and vegetables in. This batch I made using a curtain that had was getting tatty.

I also repurposed two chicken feed bags. These are made of some sort of plastic and very much a single use plastic item which is unfortunate and a real waste. They can be recycled through the REDcycle program (have to cut the bags down to A3 size first) but, I kind of like getting a bit more use out of them first as the material is sturdy and reuse or repurposing is better than recycling.

Ideally I could take them back for a refill of chicken feed but that isn't an option. 

This month is Plastic Free July. It's a great initiative and raises awareness about plastic use and the impacts of it. I try to do my bit for the planet as best I can.

Bye for now,


Janice said...

Well done you! All great, usable projects and all upcycled. Win, win.

Lisa said...

Love those chicken bags! So cute. I just had a thought of a produce bag the other day - I'll think about it. Are only certain fabrics suitable for it?

Jeanette said...

Great use of the curtain. Must remember that next time i have a ratty lace curtain. Love your chicken bags, wish my chicken feed came in such cool bags. Hugs,xx

kiwikid said...

That is a great idea with the feed bags Tracy, give the plastic a longer life. The fruit and vege bags are a wonderful idea too.

retdairyqueen said...

Great recycling there
Well done
The chook bags look very effective

Fiona said...

great idea using those chicken feed bags like that and they make great bags. I really enjoy my pile of produce and grocery bags... and get lots of comments about them when shopping too...

Maria said...

Great way to use old terry curtains and it's a shame you can't refill the cute chicken bags....

River said...

I have similar produce bags, some home made and some bought. I really should remember to take them shopping with me. Usually I end up with my chiller bag full of loose produce or I get one plastic bag from the supplied-on-a-roll near the veggies and put all the different things in together if I'm not buying much. not having family living with me, it's usually two of this, two of that.

mamasmercantile said...

Like you I like to recycle or re-purpose as much as I can.

Joy McD said...

Great idea to use net curtains for produce bags... I need to make some one day. Love those chook bags! I’ve never seen those feed bags here, must try to be on the lookout for them... thanks for sharing these great ideas! Xx

Chookyblue...... said...

Love the chook feed recycled bags..... Easy to sew on the machine?