Sunday, August 4, 2019

Friday Night with Friends- August

I did join in with Cheryll and all the other Friday night friends for a little bit of crafting. I really should get started earlier in the afternoon because I struggle to stay awake to get much crafting done in the evenings. My father in-law once told me I keep children's hours and I think he might have been right. My children though have always been able to stay up later then me. I like going to bed early, I wake up early.

Anyway. I did a little crochet. Just finishing off a scarf that I started quite some time ago. I hadn't bothered until now to finish it because the winters have become so mild that a scarf is hardly ever necessary. But... I am going to be travelling to cooler climes in the not too distant future and the added warmth will be necessary.

I found a quick and easy cowl pattern (crochet or knitted) in a library magazine and will make that up in this ball of Icelandic wool. I haven't started that yet but it really shouldn't take too long particularly if I take the crochet option. The Icelandic wool is really nice and chunky but can be a bit scratchy. It will do and it is good to use up what I have here.

Until next time. Hopefully I can get into some sort of regular writing habit again.
Tracy xo


kiwikid said...

Nice to see you back. Always good to finish a project, the scarf looks great. Your new project looks great too.

Pink Rose said...

Hi Tracy great to be spending Friday night with you ,you were very productive,well done my friend.
My hubby is like you Tracy ,he also likes to go to bed early and gets up early,lol,I am the opposite,hope you have a wonderful evening Tracy xx

Janice said...

Your scarf looks lovely. The colour will be really versatile. Good luck with the cowl. I don’t even attempt to join in on a Friday nights, as it is the one night we actually sit down in front of the tele and I’m not very good at multitasking.

Susan said...

I often have problems staying awake when I am supposed to be joining in FNWF..good work on the scarf - you must live up north - it seems the rest of Australia has been a bit cool lately.

Maria said...

Pleased you made an early start and got the scarf finished and found a new project to work on as well.

Susie H said...

Great projects to work on. Stash-diving is always rewarding when we find something we can use. Here in the Northern Hemi it's hard to think about cold weather right now though. Looking forward to Fall!

Cheryll said...

I enjoyed your company at FNwF even if you slipped off a little
Your scarf looks great too...xox

Fiona said...

Lovely crochet. Any bit of crafting is good for the soul I think, even 10 minutes... no need to stay up late...
