Friday, January 5, 2024



The first Friday of the month means Friday Night with Friends which is hosted by Cheryll. I have an idea of what I want to get started on and maybe even finish tonight. We'll see.

In the mean time, I can share a couple of pictures of the items I made for the Advent craft swap I was in. It's a fun swap and if it runs again this year I will probably join again. 

My 24 items consisted of 6 'ouch-pouches'. Just tiny pouches to keep some basic first aid supplies in your bag.

My other make was 18 mini Christmas buntings. I really enjoyed making these and they were quite quick to whip up. A great way to use the stash too. 

Anyway, I hope I will be back sometime tomorrow to share what I made for Friday Night with Friends, 

Tracy xo


River said...

I like the buntings and the ouch pouches are a great idea. Mine is a ziplock baggie with bandaids, wipes and extra tissues, a few safety pins and a tiny tube of sunblock.

kiwikid said...

Your ouch pouches are very cute as is the bunting. Lovely makes.

Lin said...

Your little pouches are a great idea and I love the bunting. xx

Susie H said...

What a fun and productive FNwF night you had! The ouches-pouches look great!

Jo said...

Those ouch pouches are such a good idea, and who doesn't love bunting. I'm sure your swap gifts were greatly received. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment, I'm so pleased I've been able to find your lovely blog.

VeggieMummy said...

Hi Tracy. Thank you so much for popping by my blog. A weekly craft night with friends sounds like a fabulous idea and your 'Ouch Pouches' and Christmas bunting are wonderful. Lucky, lucky recipients! xx