Tuesday, December 31, 2024

So long 2024

Hello, it has been a while... again. I am popping in to wish any of my friends here who might just happen to read this, a happy New Year. 

This past year has had its ups and downs like they all do. Travel was a big highlight for me this year with a couple of big trips. China in May and then almost 7 weeks in the UK in July and August. I missed home but I truly enjoyed seeing and doing so many things. It's too much to catch up on in one post but I've added a few pictures from the thousands I took. 

Other things I have been up to. Not enough gardening that is for sure. I have really let that slide and I want to get back to doing more than just the bare minimum that I have been doing. I have been learning languages via Duolingo- Spanish, Japanese, and a little bit of Welsh. It's fun.

I have also been taking part in a photo-a-day challenge on Instagram. A lot of fun and a nice way to make some new online friends. 

And of course I have just been keeping on with all the minutiae of everyday life. Reading, cooking, cleaning, walking, yoga, writing letters and so on.

River Cottage HQ


Mary Anning at Lyme Regis

The Great Wall of China
Somewhere in Wales.

 I do hope to make blogging a regular habit again and to see you here again soon.

Happy 2025,
Tracy xo


Lin said...

Happy 2025! Well, you were not far from us when you visited UK - we are in Taunton so Lyme and Axminster are less than an hour. Hope to see you blogging again soon. xx

kiwikid said...

Lovely to see you blogging Tracy. Great photos in your post.

Janice said...

Happy New Year. It sounds like you had quite some adventures in 2024. I hope 2025 goes well for you.