
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Turnip Soup

I have mentioned the humble turnip before and that I am a fan. I think it is often overlooked because many don't really know what to do with it. Yesterday I pulled a few out of the garden and whipped up a quick, easy and oh so delicious soup. The colour is bland but the flavour and creaminess is sublime. Turnip Soup


1kg turnips, peeled and chopped

2 cloves garlic

30 grams butter

500mL stock


Saute the garlic and turnip gently in the butter until the garlic is cooked.

Add the stock and bring to the boil.

Turn down heat and simmer until the turnip is tender.

Puree and serve.

It is as simple as that. It might be necessary to adjust the consistency after the soup has been pureed and this can be done with water until it is just right for you. A little cream can be stirred in too.

The soup bug has really bitten here.

Beetroot Soup

I made beetroot soup this morning and also a batch of nettle soup. I love the colour of the beetroot soup and it looks just right in my tea cup. Bold and hearty. Both are in the freezer for when the mood strikes. This usually means an easy lunch for Tim and myself when we have been working on the property and I don't have the time for elaborate preparations. Besides that, apart from Grace, the kids are not fans of soup so we tend to eat it when they are not here.



Fiona said...

I do love soups... have never actually even thought of a turnip one, though I often use turnips in a general vegetable soup.... we have had lots of soup this winter.

Anne said...

Hi Tracey,
Thank you for your gift, it arrived today. Couldnt believe my luck as i had been trying to buy some rainbow chard, without success.
Thank you,

Phoebe said...

Hi Tracey, thank you thank you thank you for my LOVELY surprise! I had it waiting in the mail for me when I came home and it has made my week! I can't wait to get them growing and the other gift is fantastic too! Did you make it yourself? I have eczema and I have been looking for something gentle for my skin. You are a champion! Thank you again! You have made my terrible last couple of weeks so much brighter!