Saturday, April 3, 2010

A City Interlude

Our little family took a trip to Sydney this week. Preparing the garden and the livestock for a week of no supervision is a little daunting so I only do it when I have to. The garden and animals were just fine except for some cabbage moth damage to the kohl rabi.

My son attended an awards ceremony in Sydney on Tuesday so it was a must attend event. The ferry ride to the event was short but fun for two country girls.

The ceremony was at Customs House at Circular Quay. What a lovely library they have. I enjoyed the pre-ceremony time browsing the shelves and reading the magazines that my local library doesn't have.

We used the opportunity of being in Sydney to attend the Sydney Royal Easter Show. The dahlias in the picture above are just for decoration, not part of the floral competition. The standard of competition in all of the events is very fierce. Although I enter our local show I am a little too lackadaisical for this event. Though I did notice that our turkeys were of a standard that would have been competitive, I'm not sure they would enjoy the six hour journey there and back.
Now we are home again enjoying aschool holidays and puppy sitting Mia.
Bye for now,


Tracie said...

Hi Trace,

Did you enjoy the show? We went on friday and it was fun. We won't g again for at least another 4 years.


Blore said...

I love the photo of Mia!