Sunday, April 4, 2010

Gardening fun

After being away from home it is an even bigger treat to get out into the garden. Yesterday I didn't manage to have any gardening time until just before dinner and even then it was only to pick a few things. I had to take care of the usual post holiday chores- unpacking and washing. There were five loads of washing which now has to be folded and ironed.

King Edward and Sapphire potatoes

Dinner was simple. The potatoes are ready to harvest and last night we enjoyed some just dug, washed, boiled and mashed. A mix of King Edward and Sapphire potatoes which have been prolific this year even after the 28- spotted lady bugs feasted on he leaves.

Sapphire potatoes

The sapphire potatoes are quite striking and made a purple tinted mash which was fun

Finger lime

Todays gardening is revolving around the orchard. I have four new fruit trees to plant. A loquat to replace the one destroyed by the grasshoppers last year. A Nules mandarin because we love mandarins. A feijoa (apollo) because growing as many different types of plants as I can is my vice. Lastly, a Finger Lime because I have wanted one for ages. This order of trees came from Daley's Fruit Tree Nursery in Kyogle. I have been ordering from them for a few years now .Their service and packaging is great and the plants have always arrived in excellent condition.

Bye for now,



Rina ... also Chester or Daisysmum. said...

Hi Tracy, first time I have ever seen purple potatoes, are they a heirloom variety?
Hoping you are having a peaceful Easter

Vickie said...

Happy easter to you and your family..oh wow so many people have been gardening this weekend-I did 3 hours of dreaded weeding yesterday..WOW a purple spud I have never ever seen one -thanks heaps for sharing,cheers Vickie

Paola said...

I was in the garden too yesterday. Just as you are planting a feijoa, we've decided to get rid of hours, because every year for five years the fruit has been badly affected by fruit fly. Hope you have better luck, feijoas make nice jam!

africanaussie said...

Hi Tracy,
thanks for visiting my blog, you have some very interesting posts here. I dont know how you could call 40 acres small! It sounds as though it keeps you very busy. I love those blue potatoes.

Steve Asbell said...

What beautiful potatoes, and a finger lime too! I'll have to find some of those unusual plants, but at least I have a feijoa. I probably need to get another one for pollination.