Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Life in a faster lane

I have finally made it to a faster lane on the internet. This morning we had satellite dish installed to allow us to have internet access that is quicker than the 28kbps that I am accustomed too.It is unsightly but hopefully it makes things quicker and easier. I already have a problem though. When I upload an image to blogger, the internet 'disconnects' and I have to click connect again when I publish the post. Here's to happy, speedy blogging.


1 comment:

Nelly said...

Hi Tracy,

I've just spent a lovely hour eating cheese on toast and reading your blog :-)

I hope your satellite broadband is faster and more reliable than ours!
We pay $80 a mth for 3 gig which I manage to gobble up in a matter of days and then we're shaped to slower than dial up speeds for the remainder of the month.

We do get 20gig bonus a mth which is completely useless for us as it's between the hours of 11pm and 11 am, when we have no power.

Still, I'm grateful to have it at all.