Sunday, May 9, 2010

I can't juggle

I have been missing on the blogging front because I can't juggle and I dropped the ball. I was trying to do too much at the same time and something had to take a back seat. It was blogging. I still got school done, gardening, cooking, driving and all of the other day-to-day tasks but not the blog. Hopefully I can keep on top of it now.

There have been a lot of birds using the bird baths lately. This week we had out first frost so soon the birds will have to wait for the sun to make it over the hill or crack the ice for a bath and drink.
Todays loaf of Spelt bread
I have been on a bit of a bread making kick too. I've borrowed all sorts of library books on bread and dough and am really keen to make a few more loaves. I also got a cooking thermometer for Mother's Day today so my cheesemaking will be a little easier. I'm going to put up a batch of Camembert on Wednesday morning (when I have enough milk).
Bye for now,


Vickie said...

glad to see you made it back safely-sometimes in life we have to reassess our time and unfortunately somethings have to take a back seat- oh the bird looks lovely ..say what Camembert yummo you clever gal you,cheers Vickie

Paola said...

I've been AWOL from my blog too - totally understand!

Nelly said...

Would love to see some pics and a step-by-step on the cheese making if you can be fagged Tracy!