
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Independence Days

Plant something: Planted up pots of herbs and row of lavenders at the townhouse for Tom. The pots were left behind by the previous occupants and I took the plants from here on the farm.

Sowing seeds for winter goodness, turnips at the top of the list.

Harvest something: Since we have been home, we have been harvesting like crazy. There are a lot of tomatoes to get through and the sheep and poultry have been enjoying the glut.
Also harvesting beans, rocket, chillies, herbs. flowers, parsnips
Preserve something: tomatoes into tomato sauce.

Waste not: Composting, feeding the worm farms and treating the livestock to some garden abundance. They love it.

Eat the food: The good part of our trip away was that because it is our place, we can still cook our meals just like at home. We took produce from the farm and cooked it there supplemented with locally bought ingredients.

The homemade/homegrown highlight of the week was the parsnip soup we had last night with the poppy and carraway seed crackers. Icheat a little and use a pasta machine to roll the cracker dough thinly. Not to the thinnest setting or the seeds rip holes in the dough (trust me I know this).

Building community: Well I should be in Nundle today building community with the sewing girls but circumstances were against that. Not to waste the opportunity of a glorious autumn day though I have been gardening to my hearts delight.
Tonight we will be switching off the lights for Earth Hour and having a candle lit dinner with our own homemade candles.

Skill Up: I have been working diligently on my granny squares and learning new variations to make more intricate patterns.

My workplace, I love it.
The Independence Days Challenge is organised by Sharon. It is a great place to garner ideas and inspiration.


africanaussie said...

you make your own crackers - wow I am impressed! the parsnip soup sounds marvelous, hope the seeds grow and you soon have lots of parsnips.

Sarah said...

very impressed with making your own crackers that's great. I need to try that

My independence days challenge is here

Bee Girl said...

Oh...I am envious of your crackers! They are definitely on my list of things to learn how to make :-)

And that tomato! Oh...I can't wait for fresh tomatoes!