
Monday, February 18, 2013

My new additions

This is what I have been so excited about. My new additions to the farm ... Scottish Highlands. They are my all time favourite bovines.

It's the horns and hair I think. It also helps that they aren't as big and daunting as some other breeds. Though I will admit those horns could be daunting.

I now have a cow and calf and a heifer. The calf arrived as a bull calf but is now a steer and is destined for the plate in a year or so.

They are very quiet animals and are settling in well. The sheep aren't quite sure what to make of them and vice versa. I'm not sure three will be enough, they push all of my buttons and I would have a huge herd if I had the space.



Kim said...

They are so cool, I am just imagining them on our farm. Interesting that they are quiet, the horns look a bit scary.

bettsylyn (Lynda) said...

Oh I love these cattle. I saw a show a little while ago where they were tracing the steps of the Scottish drovers taking them to markets and I so loved seeing them. Are you going to Nundle this year ? Maybe you can bring one for me to pat. (Only kidding - but I might have to stop by to pat them.)

Vickie said...

Oh wowwwwwwww....mooo they look kinda cute..them horns do look a tad daunting..lots of juicy green grass fro them...then I read on a see dinner plate eeeekkk-that's where me and farming with animals will have a problem LOL...

Kimberley said...

We used to call these hairy coos! I have only ever seen them in Scotland and had no idea they were elsewhere.
Very cool animals.

Jan said...

Lovely. I always wanted Murray Greys, also docile. However, life changed direction and I don't see that happening now. I did five years of agriculture study some time ago and enjoyed it thoroughly. HAve various degrees and diplomas, but the Agriculture is usually a surprise to people.

Anonymous said...

they look scary Tracy and fluffy,lol.xx

Lisa said...

They're pretty!

Janice said...

How exciting. They will be a wonderful addition to your farm. I think I like their long fringes the best.

Fiona said...

They are gorgeous.... I would be tempted to do some cuddling...

Karen said...

Oh wow, when I went to Mudgee Field Day one year I seen these cuties...thought their size was good too. I love their hair too and they look very cuddly. I wouldn't be able to eat him can tell I am not from the country...all my animals would be pets!

Becky said...


africanaussie said...

Gosh that first photo gave me a start - he looks as if he is about to charge! I hope they are friendlier than they look.

Blore said...

Love them, do you think they'll fit in my backyard...perhaps I could have the horns for a wall feature?

Joolz said...

If you were thinking of naming the steer calf, Angus would be a lovely name. ;)

Cheers - Joolz