
Monday, May 27, 2013

Eisteddfods and Soup Night

No, Eisteddfods and soup really don't have anything in common well nothing  I know of at least. But we did spend the better part of Saturday enjoying the voices at a 'local' eisteddfod (local being 125km from home) and we did have our Sunday soup night last night. The girls were part of their school choirs so it was a bit of a must to attend. And although I really do like listening to music, I will admit here and now that I am prone to getting fidgety when the program starts at 2pm and doesn't finish until almost 6pm.

Post Eisteddfod.

 We had a nice time anyway and got to spend a bit of time visiting a different town before the event. I also called into the organic market which I could see a few gaps in which might provide an opportunity next season. I just have to learn to become more confident and proactive in promoting the goods I have for sale. That will certainly be a test because I am not that type of personality at all.

 Our soup night was a real simple affair. Pumpkin soup made with a gifted Queensland Blue pumpkin. Hope had to have her own batch of French Onion Soup because my pumpkin soup doesn't appeal to her. In her own words, "it is too pumpkin-y". There are plenty of pumpkin soup recipes out there with all sorts of variations and adaptations so I won't bother sharing how I make it here.

The accompanying bread however was another matter. I think it is one of the nicest breads I have made.

I can't claim the recipe but I can share a link so you can make these delicious baguettes. And as is often the case, it is the simple and humble that is so impressive. A combination of water, flour, yeast and salt and voila... yum.

Music lessons, drama club and grocery shopping are on the list for this afternoon so I am off.


Joolz said...

As always, the soup looks yum (I have my own way of doing Pumpkin soup too!).

Thanks for the Baguette recipe - I am right into trying different breads at the moment. Had lots of success on the weekend but its nice to have a baguette recipe to try now.

I had a bit of a read - did you do the steaming bit and use an oven stone or just a baking tray and paper?

Cheers - Joolz xx

Anonymous said...

yummy soup and thankyou for the link for the bread and hope you all had fun at Eisteddfod.xx

Lisa said...

I had to look up Eisteddfods, as you can imagine - I suspected it was Welsh, and I was right! Yes, four hours is a long time, but it sounds like a nice time.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

I have to say, that soup and bread looks delicious! It's so amazing how the best bread comes from a few simple ingredients. Delicious! said...

One thing that amused us when we moved to Oz was the Eisteddfod's. As we didn't think they existed outside of Wales.
Hope you all had fun, and always love pumpkin soup

Simple Fascinations said...

Just found your blog, and love it! I hope to read more when I have time. Thanks for sharing!