Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Weeding and such

 This small part of the front garden probably shouldn't be bothered with at all. It has poor drainage and not much seems to like it there. Consequently I never pay it much attention. Well, it is there so I guess it deserve better treatment and who knows, maybe it will reward my efforts with some flowers. Today when I weeded there it had a cement like crust on top and a fair bit of clay below the surface but on a positive note, there were a lot of very fat and healthy looking earthworms. Can't be too bad if the worms like to live there.

 I wanted to mulch the area after I finished weeding and planting a few cuttings and seedlings. Before mulching I had to weed the mulch. The grass in the bale had sprouted and was really growing rather nicely. At least this batch of mulch doesn't seem to have any nasty weeds in it like some we have had.
It's always a risk when bringing mulch.

It didn't take too long. Half an hour tops which is lucky because I seem to have a mountain of things on my to-do list.
One job completed today was gathering rocks to place around my kumquat tree. It is in an old wash tub which I found on the roadside. The bottom half of one side of the wash tub is no more so I thought rather than move the tree and because I like the old tub too, I would just build it up with rocks. Doesn't look too bad and the soil is staying where it should which really is the main thing. Collecting rocks is a good workout too.
Now I'm off to do some baking and bread making because even though I would like to, I can't work outdoors all day.
Tomorrow is a big work day too.
Are you busy? If you are, I hope you are busy doing things that bring you joy.


Sharon said...

HI Tracey,
I have plenty on my to do list, wouldnt it be nice to be able to get a few good days to spend outside, even better if we had a few labourers to do all the odd jobs out there as well lol.

Lisa said...

I really like your tub and rocks idea. Today, I am hoping to do pleasant things, because I'm off this week.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

That soil sounds like a challenge but the worms are a good sign. If you can find some more of that old hay it would be good to actually bury a lot of it in that clay, put every thing you can in it year after year, no sticks, after a while it will loosen up and grow good stuff. Lots of work though but I have done it in heavy clay in Virginia. Kind of makes a raised bed that sinks back down as the material rots. After that bread making will look like fun.

Staci@LifeAtCobbleHillFarm said...

Isn't it so easy to get lost working outside? Before you know it it's dinner time. :) We are still in the midst of our garden so clean-up is just around the corner.... I do need to make beds and mulch around the fruit trees so I'm hoping to get to that before Friday.

Tania said...

Yes I am busy trying to get things done before Spring...It is going to be very warm next week, so I need to get a wriggle on. I want to make some shades for the veggie beds before it gets too hot! We have been pulling weeds as well as whipper snippering them :)


Bobbi Jo Nichols said...

I love to do lists! I have nominated you for the LIEBSTER award. This is not spam you can read the post here
Hugs, Bobbi Jo

africanaussie said...

There is nothing more worthwhile than working in the soil