Sunday, September 1, 2013

September Garden Share Collective

This month I thought it might be nice to join in at The Garden Share Collective hosted by Lizzie. I'm just finding my feet with it so I will just plod along and see how it goes.
 My kitchen garden is really looking nice thanks to a quick run around with the lawnmower. Paths are neat and the compost heap has a load of clippings.

My system of giving each vegetable bed a bit more attention on the day of the month corresponding to its number has been working well. So well in fact I have been getting ahead. I'm sure in a couple of months time when the summery weather is here I will be telling a different tale. But I hope not.

The weather over the past week has been stunning. Perfect for being outdoors and decidedly spring like. Plants that were looking a bit lacklustre are now starting to put on some growth.

The orchard is at its prettiest (apart from when there is actual fruit on the trees that is). Blossoms are everywhere and the bees are especially happy. The flowers are also attracting quite a few butterflies as well which is really nice.

What I have promised myself is that given it is a new month and spring to boot, we will be eating something from the garden everyday. Some days it might be something pretty humble like a handful of herbs  or like last night, everything we ate from the plant kingdom came from the garden- asparagus, carrots, celery, rocket, lettuce, parsley, spring onion and oregano. Tonight instead of our regular Sunday fare of soup, we are having a roast lamb dinner. From the garden will be the potatoes, carrots, broccoli, cabbage and a few leafy greens. The lamb of course is from the farm too.

September is one of my favourite months (I have eleven others by the way) it being my birthday month and all. The weather is usually near perfect. Not too hot or cold and a little rain to keep things fresh. The winds that batter us in August have usually dissipated too. This month I have my high tea to look forward to as well and a rather intense to-do list. So here it is, the to-do list.

September To- Do in the garden
  • mow the orchard and label trees
  • mulch roses
  • weed herb garden path
  • move compost along
  • mulch front garden
  • keep sowing seeds for summer
  • tidy up shed garden
  • general clean and tidy


Anonymous said...

your vege garden is looking great Tracy,our fruit trees are just starting to get tiny buds.xx

Sharon said...

The garden looks wonderful I love it xx

africanaussie said...

oh Tracy, I should have put a birthday card in with your seeds! Happy Birthday Month. Your garden is looking lovely.

lizzie {Strayed Table} said...

What is that beautiful fruit tree that is in flower? I have never seen one so prolific. I love your gardening by numbers, maybe I should do the same but per row instead. Mind you with the weather warming up I am not sure the weeding will keep getting done as they are growing a bit faster now. Great garden :-)

Melissa L said...

Are those pansies growing around your (I think) leeks? They're so pretty!

Staci@LifeAtCobbleHillFarm said...

Well September is my Birthday month too! :) So true about the weather - same with our area, near perfect.

Anonymous said...

Your orchard photo is lovely - almost more blossom than tree! Hope you have a very happy birthday and a great month in the garden.