
Sunday, January 6, 2019

Some stitching

I did join in with Cheryll's Friday Night with Friends albeit briefly. Friday was very hot 39℃ and not conducive to crafting or much of anything really. I had to water the vegetable garden late in the day too to avoid the heat after missing my opportunity in the morning.

I did some stitches on my long term work in progress that I will valiantly try to finish this year. It may require a new set of reading glasses but I'm determined. When that got too much, I made some envelopes out of last year's calendars. I use those for my sending penpal letters.

Not much done really but very nice to sit and stitch knowing I'm in the company of friends. It has been too long since I have done that.

I have my pattern now for the Sweet Pea crochet along so I know what I'll be occupied with over the next while craft-wise.

Bye for now,
Tracy xo


Pink Rose said...

Good morning Tracy so glad we got to stitch along together,lovely work my friend,hope you do get it finished this year.
Seeing your work makes me want to do some cross stitch.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend xx

Cheryll said...

Hi Tracy... thanks for joining in FNwF... and it doesn't matter for how short a time. I was nice to see you again... xox

River said...

I tried cross stitch a couple of times. First time at my mother's insistence that I learn something (anything!) to keep me busy once my housework was done (what's wrong with reading a book eh?), then in later years I copied an E in various shades of rose, cream and green, it was small, about 2 inches high, and I sewed it onto my denim jacket. I haven't crossed a single stitch since.

Ingrid said...

Gracias por compartirnos tu trabajo. Y por la compañía el viernes por la noche

Lisa said...

Oh, those reading glasses - I have to own several pair, in case I forget to bring them with me, or break one. They are always around my neck (except when I take them off, and wander around trying to remember where I laid them)!
It must be a big project to make you take that tone - good luck finishing it!

Jeanna said...

Your stitches are so perfect. I've just started cross-stitch but nothing so small. I figure I should work on improving my stitches before moving onto the more complicated patterns.

I look forward to seeing your crochet. It's been a few years since I've crocheted. I'm mostly a quilter but also enjoy knitting. I guess I love most anything involving needle, thread or yarn.

Jan said...

Lovely to see two posts. New reading glasses? I was thinking much the same, although I have had recent eye tests. Cross stitch requires very good light and a lack of interruptions so I can work accurately. I succumbed and bought a small piece from the Crewel Gobelin recently, but have taken fright at need for seeing accurately.

xo.sorcha.ox said...

I use my old calendars for envelopes, too! And I line them with pages from old magazines.

Tania said...

Your stitching is lovely Tracy.

I like that idea of making envelopes from old calendars. I am going to rekindle my letter writing this year, so these will add a nice touch.

Have you tried one of those big magnifying glasses that sit in front of you for doing close work? Jenny from Elefantz blog, suggested to me last year to get one as I was concerned about my eyesight for doing embroidery.


Janice said...

Good on you for getting on with your cross stitch. What is the design? I’m sure it will be easier to progress it once the weather cools down. Yugh! 39 is too hot. Keeping the water up to the garden is a full time job at the moment, although we had a big storm yesterday afternoon. Your envelopes sound fun. Much nicer than plain white, or the dreaded window face.