Saturday, January 4, 2020

Slow stitching

 Friday Night with Friends last night. Hot weather with little relief overnight so not too much stitching got done. But I did manage to finish all of the leaves on one tree. Progress is progress so I am happy with that.  Thanks again to Cheryll for hosting. Hopefully I can keep the momentum going and keep making.

When my hands were to sweaty for sewing, I got onto some letter writing. I have a few replies to write after being away for a month and then not feeling up to it the last two weeks.

Anyway, this little piece of happy mail is off to Claire in the UK. Claire is a new pal who I met via Jocelyn's penpal sign-up in October. I hope she likes her letter and the goodies I've included.

Bye for now,


Pink Rose said...

Hi Tracy. You did well,love your beautiful work and it's nice that you got to catch up with writing to your pen pal ,hope it's a bit cooler for you now xx

Cheryll said...

It was lovely having your company at FNwF... and it's hard getting back into sewing with all this heat we are experiencing.
Progress is progress... no matter how much... xox

kiwikid said...

Well done on the stitching Tracy, even a small bit of stitching is progress. Your mail out looks great.

Kaisievic said...

This seems to be coming along nicely.

River said...

A little each day and before you know it you will be framing and hanging that cross stitch on your wall.

Janice said...

As you say, progress is progress. It certain was a hot evening. Hopefully, it will be a bit cooler next month.

Susan said...

Good that you could manage some sewing in the heat. I love the idea of writing letters...some things we should keep going.

Fiona said...

Lovely stitching.. such tiny stitches..... I'm sure the mail will be happily received...

Tania said...

Well done on your cross stitch progress. I need to rekindle my letter writing too. I had big plans to do that last year, but will move the goal to 2020.

Hope things cool down for you soon. Another 44C day here.
