Friday, January 3, 2020

Friday Night with Friends

The first Friday of the month so time to get together for some craft. It is HOT here and the cooler is doing its best but not making much of a difference so crafting has to be something not too intense. Definitely nothing involving woolly yarn. I think I might just work on my cross stitch and make some mail art. Nice and easy. Thanks Cheryll for hosting.

Cheryll is also hosting a challenge this year to help us stay focused and get some UFOs finished. I am sure I have a number of long-term projects that I should finish (or maybe even give up on) but I have narrowed it down to a short list.

This is my Sweet Pea blanket that was a crochet along last year. I had no problem with making the blanket and it is finished... sort of. I haven't crocheted the edging. It is fine without but I know it is supposed to be there. SO I am going to get onto that.

Another project that I want done is this Easter table centre piece that was a project at Girls Day in the Country some time ago. It isn't really a project I would choose so I think that is what has held me back.

I'm not sure if these last few things qualify as UFOs. They are quilt blocks that I have received at different times in swaps. I just don't know what to do with them. Hopefully I can think of something or find some inspiration on Pinterest or Instagram or anywhere really.

More blocks from an old swap. What to do with them.

And last but not least, my long overdue to be finished cross stitch. I really like the design but I have struggled to get going on it. At different times I have set myself challenges to do so many stitches (at least) per day but still it feels like it will never be finished. I'm determined to finish it this time. I'm fairly certain I have said that before.

Anyway, I will be giving these projects a good go this year and will report back along the way. Progress or not.

Thanks for visiting,
Tracy xo


Janice said...

Good luck with all your projects. I’ve also signed up for WOOFA and have the GDITC mat on my list. I hope to have it finished for Easter and hopefully before Baradine.

Maria said...

I'll enjoy sewing along with you Tracy and a short list for WOOFA is good...

Fiona said...

I enjoy the challenge of working on UFO's... love that blanket. I have done some of hers and have another kit here at home... sweetpea is not one but I am very tempted.
I find it hard what to do with blocks...

mamasmercantile said...

All beautiful projects it will be nice to see them finished. Love the colours of the crochet blanket.

kiwikid said...

Hot weather make is hard to knit doesn't it Tracy. Good luck with your projects to be done this year.

Karen's Korner said...

I can see some lovely finishes heading your way. Good luck with them.

Raewyn said...

Hi Tracy, I'm joining in with Cheryll's WOOFA challenge too, but haven't even got a proper list made yet. Have fun finishing these items :-)

Maria said...

Lovely list of UFO projects . Will be nice to see some of your finishes..

River said...

I love the blanket, it looks cheerful. The swap blocks, the first four pictured, could become the centre piece of patchworked cushion covers? And the others, the blue ones could also become cushion covers or a small table cloth or runner?
I used to do a little cross stitching but my eyes aren't so good anymore with focusing and my hands hurt too, so no more of that. I'm not a crafting type anyway, I'd rather read a book, such a disappointment for my mother who would have covered the world in crochet work if she could.

Sue said...

I think we all have those types of projects in our UFO pile. Love the blanket.

Susie H said...

Looks like you've got some fun projects there to finish up. Good luck with your WOOFAs! Cheryll will help you get them done.

On a different note, we here in the USA keep hearing about your extreme heat & the wildfires. We're praying there is an end in sight (and SOON)!

Karen's Korner said...

I can see some lovely finishes happening at your place this year.

Tania said...

You have some lovely UFO's there Tracy. I love that crochet blanket and was supposed to participate in the crochet along, but unfortunately didn't get around to it.

I need to drag out some of my UFO's too. At the moment I am rearranging my craft room and once that is done and organised, I'll be set. I cant wait to get crafting again.
