Monday, March 23, 2020

Still here

Hello Friends,
Yes, I am still here. I have been occupied at home and with family commitments and life in general. Life for all of us is off kilter at the moment and I just wanted to check in here and say hello and wish everyone well.

I have never been more happy to live where I do and how I do. Also trying my best to do what I can for the good of others.

Wishing you all health and happiness,


kiwikid said...

Looks like the rain has brought your garden back to life, good to see you blogging once again. Did the duck produce ducklings, mentioned in your last post.

Fiona said...

The garden is looking lovely.....

Janice said...

It’s lovely to see your gardening finally flourishing. The greener landscape and productive gardens are a highlight in these unpredictable times. Stay safe and well.

Lisa said...

I'm glad to see this, Tracy! I'm sure life is easier for homebodies like us, than for others who are used to being out a lot.

Maria said...

Lovely to see you check in Tracy and yes you live in a wonderful spot.
Keep well and happy XX.

Tania said...

Hi Tracy,

Wishing you all well where you are. Hope all is going okay.

I am glad we live in the country, we can shut ourselves away if needed.

Take care,
Tania xxx