Sunday, February 5, 2023

February FNwF

I'm a little late posting about my crafting I did for Friday Night with Friends for this month. I've been running late for almost everything for about a year now but I'm trying to catch up. Thank you Cheryll for hosting this fun get together.

 This time around I did a bit of crochet. I sat outside with the cats and it was lovely. The evenings are starting to cool down which is nice. The days are a different story, so hot and the sun is harsh. I'm not sure how big I will be able to make this blanket with the leftover yarn but it is a good feeling knowing that the yarn isn't languishing in my cupboard anymore. 

Anyway, I best be off. I have some more mail to write.

Bye for now,

Tracy xo


Karen's Korner said...

Good progress. It is a good feeling to use up all those bits and pieces that are laying around cupboards and drawers.

Janice said...

How good to be using that stash. The colours are working well together

Lin said...

It's always nice to be able to use up those odd balls - but just like patchwork fabric I am sure they are never ending. I know mine are! I do enjoy a bit of crochet, very relaxing. xx

Fiona said...

The crochet is looking pretty..... I am a bit over the hot and humid now - not as high temps as sometimes but so sticky...

Maria said...

Always better late than never Tracy.
The left over wool is growing into a lovely blanket.

Jeanna said...

I love the colors in your crocheted blanket. I was late in posting my FNwF also. The weekend just got away from me.

kiwikid said...

Hope you are enjoying LetterMo. Your crochet looks great Tracy.

Pink Rose said...

Hi Tracy love your crocheting well done my friend ,I am back to blogging again ,hope you have a lovely Sunday 🌹🤍🌹

Pink Rose said...

Hi Tracy your crocheting looks awesome,well done I love the colours,hope you have a lovely day 🌹🤍🌹

Linda P said...

Thank you Tracy for your comment left on a recent blog post. It's good to hear from you. Your crocheted work is beautiful. Have a good day!

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog