
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Planting and Sowing

There is still plenty of tidying to be done in the vegie patch but after a flurry of activity of the clearing out kind, I felt a spot of planting was in order. Luckily I had some seedlings ready to go. 

So today I planted leeks, cabbage, spring onions, ruby Brussells sprouts and some celeriac. I also directly sowed snow peas, rainbow chard and greenfeast peas. 

There were some promising clouds for a little while with a few drops of rain but not even enough to register in the gauge. While that was happening, I took a trip up the road to an open house for a property which will be auctioned soon. Although moving is not on the horizon (not that I know of anyway), I am a sucker for looking at real estate and dreaming. The property is totally unsuitable for any farming enterprise except maybe beekeeping or raising mountain goats, it is very steep and bushy but the house itself was roomy anf rambling and full of potential. Not the mansion I am looking for but so much more room than our cottage. The drawback and there is always a drawback, is that it really needs quite a bit of work. Besides, there isn't much scope for a garden so I'll let this one pass.

And just because there won't be many more blooms on this pompom dahlia for this season, I decided to snap a picture. I only have a few pompom dahlias and I think I would like some more. They are quite cute.

Tomorrow afternoon Hope has a birthday party to go to. Grace and I are toying with the idea of some roller skating whilst Hope parties but most likely we will do something more mundane and safe. I am liking the sound of the party though. The theme is "olden days" and we have been told to bring something to tie dye. Sounds like fun.

I'm not good with clever themes for parties. I'd love to hear any interesting ideas.


Val said...

What an amazing flower! :)

I've been looking at and similar websites for ages, and it will be years and years before I'm anywhere close to ready for a house. It's nice to daydream, and it helps you figure out what you really want and don't want.

And I love the idea of tie-dying things at a party. :)

Lisa said...

But "olden days" - tie-dyeing? Oh. my. word.

Those weren't the olden days, were they? Mercy.