Thursday, October 31, 2019


 It has been a waiting game here this week. The police knocked on the door at 1:30am on Monday night to let us know that the nearby bushfires would be a threat to us when an expected weather change came through. So preparations were made for leaving home with the pets and for protecting what we could with our fire fighting equipment and the precious water in our tanks. I'm glad to say it did not have to come to that. The weather was kind and the expected gusty winds were only gentle breezes. I hope there will be some rain very soon for all who need it.

The eerie light and sunshine through the smoke haze is awe inspiring and so difficult to capture on camera.

Smoke in the distance. All the poor animals and trees in the fires. So sad to think of them.

We had plenty of burnt leaves blow in. Nothing to cause alarm but it is amazing (and frightening) how far they travel.

That's what has been the news this week. Sorry for being quiet here.

Tracy xo


Fiona said...

Thinking of you.... scary stuff those fires...

Jan said...

Dreadful fires in such a wide area. I hope your area remains safe . My sister is at Forster and suddenly there was not just on over the lake but four around her place. She was down here house sitting and could do nothing. Three hours away and roads were blocked.

Qll was well but the first fire is still burning and more just slightlys north. les we have had have been frightening as they carry embers a long way, as you saw from the burnt leaf.

I moved just a year ago to the Blue Mountains, a fairly safe area, but a few years ago 130 houses at end of my road were burnt. The geography down there lends itself to the spread of fires. My end is safer, but with bad winds, nowhere is really safe.

Linda P said...

The wild fires must be very scary. Stay safe and well. I hope you get much needed rain.

Maria said...

So sad to hear ans read about the devastation the fires have caused.
Pleased all was good at your place .
Oh how good it would be if you got rain!

Karen's Korner said...

Hoping that the fires do not come any closer to you. It is a drastic situation in a lot of areas. No rain and lots of strong winds. Take care.

kiwikid said...

That is frightening Tracy to have the visit in the middle of the night and then to have the burnt bits drop out of the air. Thank goodness the wind didn't pick up!

Lisa said...

Tracy, I hope things are better now. It’s awful to think of these fires.

Janice said...

Phew! Everyone must be on tenter hooks with the current weather conditions. Here’s hoping no more fires come your way.