Tuesday, December 31, 2019

So long 2019

2019. I think a lot of people are more than happy to see the end of this year. I know turning the page and opening up a new calendar is really just symbolic but it does always feel like a fresh start when a new year rolls around. 

There have been some troubling times with the drought and with fires and the like but I am still here and still enjoying life on my little property. It is where I want to be and how I want to live and I am happy. We have not been left out by the drought or the bushfires but I try not to dwell on the negative. The nearby fire (a different one to October) is being controlled which is a good thing as resources on the fire fighting front are stretched so far at the moment. 

I have neglected this space but always have good intentions of writing but then I get busy or I get in a writing funk or whatever. Maybe 2020 will be the year to write again. Anyway, a few of the highlights for this year.

 I wrote in my journal at the beginning of 2019 that I would like to travel more. Well that happened. Tim and I had a trip to parts of the Northern Territory and Adelaide. What an interesting part of our country.

And more recently Tim, Hope and I met up with Grace in the UK. She had been on a scholarship study tour of universities in the UK and US so a perfect opportunity for us to have a pre-Christmas holiday together. Two weeks in the UK followed by a two-week bus tour of Europe.

Revisited some of our favourite places in England. A Christmas meal at River Cottage which was wonderful.

West Bay is lovely and early winter was a great time to visit England. It wasn't too cold nor wet and certainly noticeably less busy than the summer holiday time. I liked the quiet.

 Lyme Regis didn't disappoint.

Then off to Europe. I liked not having to drive or think about the logistics of travelling but I have to say the fast pace of an organised tour was too much for me. So much so that I came home tired and not feeling too well. The result of all that stress, shingles which I am still recovering from. Almost there.

If I didn't realise I was a homebody before (I did) then I know for sure now.

 Thanks to Hope for this picture of the Eiffel Tower. It was great to see it but I doubt I will return.
The girls will I am sure.

Switzerland was lovely. Expensive as was Europe but lovely to visit and get out in the natural beauty.

I wish all of my friends near and far a happy 2020. I hope the year ahead is kind and gentle and I look forward to being more present here as time permits.

Happy New Year,
Tracy xo


doodles n daydreams said...

Happy New Year Tracy. May all go well for you and yours in 2020.

Pink Rose said...

Hi Tracy wishing you a safe and happy New Year for you and your lovely family.
I pray that you and your family and farm will always be safe ,take care my lovely friend xx

Janice said...

Wishing you a Happy New Year too, Tracy. You did go on some adventures during the year. We have yet to visit NT, and only very briefly to Adelaide and the weather was terrible. Places we look forward to visiting one day. I loved the cliff at West Bay when we were there, and also loved Lyme Regis. As hectic as your European trip was, you can say that you've been there. There's no need to go again. I do hope you make a full recovery soon. Fingers crossed for some good autumn rain and have a great 2020.

Tania said...

Hello Tracy,

So good to see a post from you. Happy New Year to you and your family.

Your trip to Europe and UK sounds wonderful. I have yet to venture overseas, but three of my children have the travel bug. I'm a little scared of the unknown lol!

So glad that the current fires aren't affecting you and that everything is okay at your farm.

I hope to blog more regularly too, but I have said that for the last few years, then fell by the wayside due to life. I used to post so regularly...

There is more hot weather due here tomorrow (46C), followed by a cool change on Saturday and fingers crossed that it brings some rain with it.
