Sunday, April 10, 2022


I guess it has been a while since I have posted regularly (two years to be exact) and although much has changed, thankfully much has stayed the same. I am completely a creature of habit and have been quite content to spend the best part of the last two years at home. It does help that I have a very big 'backyard' to spend my time in.

My wonderful friend Sue, knows that I am making a woodland area with deciduous trees and she surprised me last week by sending me some acorns so I can grow my very own oak trees. I'm so grateful for the acorns but moreover I am grateful that I have thoughtful and kind friends who think of me.

Sue said she would like to see some pictures of my pet Highland cows so here they are. They are such sweet coos and very much the posers.

 Bye for now,

Tracy xo


Maria said...

So thoughtful of Sue to send you the acorn seeds. Good luck with the planting…
Love your Highland Coos…..

Janice said...

They are beautiful coos. They are probably posers because they are so spoiled. It was lovely of Sue to send some acorns.

Pink Rose said...

Hi Tracy great to hear from you ,lovely pics and looking forward to watching the acorn tree grow,take care lovely lady 💕🤍💕

Jeanette said...

I forgot you had highland cows. Thanks for showing photo's of yours. My sister & i were discussing what cow breed we'd have if we had some land. She wants belted galloways but i said "highland cows" as i just love them. Hugs, xx

Lisa said...

Very funny to me that some cows have horns. :D A woodland area sounds nice - oaks grow slowly, I think. We have quite a few in the center of town where the library is. They're lovely trees.

River said...

The cows are lovely, they look soft and comfortable. I hope the acorns grow into fine strong trees.

kiwikid said...

Thank you for the photos, love your coos. I hope at least a few of the acorns grow for you.

Sandi said...

OMG Tracy - you have the cutest cows...I could, quite possibly, see myself trying to steal one and hide it in my Ok maybe not...But they are too cute. My blog is being naughty these days - it wont pass on any comments via email to me - I have tried everything, even chooky has given me things to try to no avail. I finally get it working and then it stops again. It's been so frustrating. I received your letter (via my sons brilliant photo skills) and will respond over the following week. Try this for my blog hopefully that will lead you to my blog - which is totally filled with holiday photos - dont feel obligated to read all as its over filled with photos. Looks like i'm writing my letter here - lol I'll stop now and catch you later... sandi xx