Saturday, October 1, 2022

Trying again... again

This year really has been a trial. Just one thing after another. I won't go on here about the pitfalls but trust me they have been aplenty. Big, small and all sizes in between. I like to look on the bright side and search for the silver lining. I will once again try my hand at blogging and hopefully I will be able to put some words and pictures here more frequently.

On to some recent highlights. We took a trip to Sydney to see Tony Hadley from Spandau Ballet in concert. Of course we did some sight-seeing and some catch-up with family. A lovely weekend. We came home tired which is probably a sign of having a good time.

Sydney Harbour. Spectacular.

The Tea Cosy at The Rocks in Sydney.

Tea at Cafe Gali, Moree.

I have plenty to do to keep me busy. Christmas craft swaps to finish, gardening and more gardening. And I am in the process of planning an overseas trip for next year.

More to come later.

Thanks for visiting,
Tracy xo


Maria said...

Lovely to see you pop up again Tracy.
Looks like a a busy fun filled weekend to Sydney.

Lisa said...

Tracy! Hello! I'm glad things seem to be settled down for you.

Janice said...

Hi Tracy. It is so good to see you back in this space. Let’s hope things are on the up for you now. Have fun in your garden and with your swaps. Isn’t it great to be able to plan overseas trips now.

River said...

It's been twelve years since I went to Sydney and I didn't get to see The Rocks area then. I don't know that I will ever go back there.

kiwikid said...

Lovely to see you back, Sydney harbour looked beautiful, great tea cosies and that little teapot is cute.

FlashinScissors said...

Hi Tracy,
I keep meaning to blog again too, but it takes so much longer than Instagram!
Love the tea cosies! Nice to catch up with you.
Barbara xx