Saturday, April 2, 2022

Flowers and FNwF

Dear Friends,
Last night for Cheryll's Friday Night with Friends, I decided to just do a little bit of something. I haven't had the urge to do much crafting lately so getting a start on a knitted dishcloth was just the thing. Hopefully next month I will have my act together and have some sewing to be getting on with.
Thank you Cheryll for a fun night.

The pretty bag in the background and the yarn, was given to me by Lisa  in a craft Advent swap I took part in last year.

My garden has been quite neglected this year. Thankfully it is still giving us something each day. I'm back working there most days now and it is definitely good for me and the garden.

The dahlias are putting on a last hoorah before we get a frost. This morning was very chilly and in the single digits (Celsius) so they haven't got long left for this time around.

 Well, plenty to do today so I best get to it.

Bye for now,



River said...

Your dahlias are gorgeous! I knitted a dishcloth once, years ago when knitting your own became all the rage and everyone was doing it, but when I finished, I didn't want such a pretty thing getting all greased up and stained, so now it's a mat on a chest of drawers. I never made another one.

Pink Rose said...

Hi Tracy so good to read your post your garden is beautiful and so full of colour,well done on your knitting i love the colour,hope you have a wonderful weekend my friend xx

kiwikid said...

Always good to do something on a FNWF and every little bits helps. Your dahlias are beautiful.

FlashinScissors said...

Aaaw! I forgot we need to sign up to join in - I was crafting though - ripping stitches from my cross stitch! Aargh!
What a lovely bag you received - your dish cloth looks too pretty to wash dishes.
Your Dahlias always look so beautiful! It’s funny, you are coming to the end of the season and we are just starting.
We have frost here this morning and last night it was at least -2° C.
Have a lovely weekend. 🙋‍♀️😁👍
Barbara xo

Janice said...

Your wash cloth is a lovely colour and that part is always so effective. Thanks for sharing your dahlia photos. We gave to make the most of their blooms before the frosts hit.

Maria said...

Nice to join in even with a bit of knitting 🧶
Some beautiful blooms at your place.

Ingrid said...

Qué hermosas flores ❤️
Tiene buena pinta tu tejido. Esperaremos a verlo cuando termines el pañito. Saludos desde Venezuela!

Raewyn said...

Sometimes just a wee project is enough to kickstart more craftiness. You made a great start on your dishcloth. The dahlias are gorgeous - enjoy them while you can!

Jeanette said...

Lovely to see you blogging again. The dish cloth looks pretty & the dahlias are beautiful. Hugs, xx

Fiona said...

Your dahlia's are lovely..... I enjoy the knitted dishcloths too but mine dont look as neat as yours....but they still work!

Julie said...

Hello Tracy. I have been knitting dishcloths too. They are great to do when you don't feel like concentrating too much. Your yarn & the bag are just beautiful ... as are your dahlias. Thank You for your visit to my blog & your kind comment. Julie xx

Karen's Korner said...

Those dishclothes are great.....they are so hard wearing. Gorgeous dahlias.

Cheryll said...

I Love the yarn colour... so are your flowers in your garden...xox

Susie H said...

Such gorgeous flowers! I think knitting a dish cloth was exactly the perfect project to start. It's nice to have some quiet handwork for the evenings.

Susan said...

The dahlias are gorgeous. Sometimes we just need to do something simple and relax a bit.

Lisa said...

Your garden looks so pretty - nice and neat. I always am drawn to orderly gardens. :)